Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Four Seasons

The Seasons Song is a Science song that teaches the four seasons of the year.

Spring is one of the four seasons.The weather gets warmer in spring.There are more hours of daylight.Many plants begin to grow.Many animals have their young.

Four Seasons Projects:

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Thank you Ali and Fatima!!!

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Aya's Project

Thank you Aya for your effort!!!

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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Weekly Homework

Grade 1 Weekly Homework
Date: 2/25/18 – 3/1/18


Book p. 593 - 594
Reading Practice:
Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop Book pages 52-53


Reading Practice:
Wonders Literature Anthology  Book pages 26-41

Book p. 599 - 600


Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop Book pages 30-43
Review Worksheets

* English LA Quiz on Sunday, March 4, 2018

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Projects and More

Today there was a lot to see...

Thank you all for your effort!!!

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Mariam was proud of her project.

Asser got a brand new globe.

Ali outdid himself again.

Rodina brought the second part of her Day-Night project.

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Good News

                                   Tomorrow is a ...

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Weekly Homework

Grade 1 Weekly Homework
Date: 2/18/18 – 2/22/18


Book p. 573 - 574
Reading Practice:
Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop Book pages 34-43


Book p. 579 - 580
 Reading Practice:
“Pals Play and Hum”

Reading Practice:
”Homes Around the World ” Wonders Literature Anthology  Book pages 44-47

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Science Project

Yesterday we worked in three groups on our Science project "Day and Night".

When something rotates, it spins like a top.As Earth rotates, the sun lights the sky.Then we have day.Earth rotates some more.The sky gets dark.Then we have night.

Valentine's Day

Tomorrow is a Valentine's Dress Day.All students may come to school decked out from head to toe in red, white, pink and Valentine's themed attire.Blue jeans are allowed.

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Monday, February 12, 2018

Kawalees Theater Trip Highlights

Last Thursday we went on a trip to a theater.

Star Student of the Week

We have chosen our ninth Star Student of the Week:

Rodina Mahmoud

     Rodina performs exceptionally well at school !
She is popular and well liked by both her friends and teachers.


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D.E.A.R. Will Start Tomorrow !!!

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D.E.A.R. stands for "Drop Everything and Read," a  celebration of reading designed to remind our students to make reading a priority activity in their lives.
Tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.  every member of our CIS community  will drop everything they are doing to pick up a book and read it for 30 minutes, during the Whole School Reading Time.