Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Holiday Reminder

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Our school will be closed tomorrow in observance of the birthday of the Prophet .

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Good News!

Hip! Hip! Hurray! Grade 1 Oregon students have earned an out-of-uniform day  !!!
Don't forget, you can wear your own clothes tomorrow !

Monday, November 27, 2017

National Day of Oman

Image result for flag of oman image

On November 18 Oman celebrated its National Day. The celebrations will continue on December 3 and 4 as well.

Thank you Maryam for sharing this wonderful news with us!!!
Happy National Day to our Omani friend !

Yassien's Projects

Our friend Yassien has made for us yet another great project.This time around he worked on "Continents and Oceans"of the world.
Your effort has been appreciated Yassien!
Great job!!!

Image result for your efforts are highly appreciated

Yassien's bean plant update

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Ali's 3D Solar System Model

Today Ali surprised us again with another project.He has made a 3D model of the Solar System of an enormous size.
Ali, you have outdone yourself this time around!!!

Image result for you have outdone yourself

Thank you for your effort!!!

Weekly Plan

Grade 1 Weekly Plan 
Date: 11/26/17 – 11/29/17

What we covered :
Week ending November 22nd, 2017
What we will cover this week:
Week ending November 29th, 2017


Phonics: Short o
 Grammar: Statements
Mechanics: Sentence Punctuation
Structural Analysis: Alphabetical Order

High-Frequency Words: fun, make, they, too

Literary Element: Rhyme

Spelling Words Practice: hop, top, log, hog, hot, lot, they, too
·         “A Pig for Cliff”
·          High-Frequency Words: be, good, come, pull

Reading Practice: ” Friends ” Wonders Literature Anthology  Book pages 68-81

Phonics: Short o
Structural Analysis: Alphabetical Order

Introduce the Concept: ESSENTIAL  QUESTION  What do friends do together?

Oral Vocabulary Words: cooperate, relationship

Comprehension:” What Can It Do? ” genre, words, Key Details , Respond to Reading

Writing: Write About Reading

Comprehension:” Toss! Kick! Hop! ” genre, words, Key Details , Respond to Reading

  Quiz 2
 Spelling Test


Lesson 2.4: Subtract 0 and All
Lesson 2.5: Vertical Subtraction

Lesson 2.6: Problem Solving Strategy: Draw a Diagram
Lesson 2.7: Compare Groups


What are some kinds of water?
What are some kinds of land?

Social Studies

Map and Globe Skills
Continents and Oceans Worksheets

Land and Water

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Weekly Homework

Grade 1 Weekly Homework
Date: 11/26/17 – 11/29/17


Spelling Words Practice: hop, top, log, hog, hot, lot, they, too

Book p. 145 - 146


Reading Practice:
Reading Practice Sheets ” What Can It Do? ”

Book p. 151 - 152
Reading Practice:
Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop Book pages 68-85



 English Quiz on Sunday, November 26, 2017

       Spelling Test on Monday, November 27, 2017

Friday, November 24, 2017

Star Student of the Week

We have chosen our seventh Star Student of the Week :

Aya Waed Abdullah

Aya is a  a very cheerful girl, who is happy and enthusiastic about everything we do at school. She is popular and well liked by both her friends and teachers.


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