Sunday, November 12, 2017

Weekly Plan

Grade 1 Weekly Plan
Date: 11/12/17 – 11/16/17

What we covered :
Week ending November 9th, 2017
What we will cover this week:
Week ending November 16th, 2017


Introduce the Concept:  ESSENTIAL QUESTION What makes a pet special?

Comprehension:” What Pets Need ” genre, words,Key Details , Respond to Reading

Comprehension:” A Pig for Cliff ” genre, wordsKey Details , Respond to Reading

Grammar: Word Order

Handwriting: Sentences

Spelling Words Practice: be, pull, clip, flip, slip, flag, black, plan

Comprehension:” Flip ” genre, wordsKey Details , Respond to Reading

Spelling Test: be, pull, clip, flip, slip, flag, black, plan

Phonics: Short o

 Grammar: Statements

Mechanics: Sentence Punctuation

Structural Analysis: Alphabetical Order

Reading Practice: Progress Monitoring 1 

and 2

Lesson 2.2: Model Subtraction
Lesson 2.3: Subtraction Number Sentences

Math Competition


How can we group plants?
What are some kinds of water?

Social Studies

Map and Globe Skills
Use a Globe

Map and Globe Skills
Continents  and  Oceans

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