Monday, November 20, 2017

Weekly Plan

Grade 1 Weekly Plan
Date: 11/19/17 – 11/22/17

What we covered :
Week ending November 16th, 2017
What we will cover this week:
Week ending November 22nd, 2017


Comprehension:” Flip ” genre, words, Key Details , Respond to Reading

Spelling Test: be, pull, clip, flip, slip, flag, black, plan

Phonics: Short o

Reading Practice: Progress Monitoring 1 and 2

 Grammar: Statements

Mechanics: Sentence Punctuation

Structural Analysis: Alphabetical Order

Introduce the Concept: ESSENTIAL  QUESTION  What do friends do together?

Oral Vocabulary Words: cooperate, relationship

High-Frequency Words: fun, make, they, too

Literary Element: Rhyme

Spelling Words Practice: hop, top, log, hog, hot, lot, they, too

·         “A Pig for Cliff”
·          High-Frequency Words: be, good, come, pull

Reading Practice: ” Friends ” Wonders Literature Anthology  Book pages 68-81

* Quiz on Sunday, November 26, 2017
 Spelling Test on Monday, November 27, 2017


Math Competition

Lesson 2.4: Subtract 0 and All
Lesson 2.5: Vertical Subtraction


What are some kinds of water?
What are some kinds of water?

Social Studies

Map and Globe Skills
Continents and Oceans

Map and Globe Skills
Continents and Oceans Worksheets

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